Dryer Vent Remediation

Dryer Vent Remediation
Island Power Vac professionally cleans all types of dryer vents for both commercial and residential dryers.

Before you spend hundreds of dollars on replacing your dryer - have a professional duct cleaner inspect your dryer vent for lint build up and/or excess water. Dryer lint will plug up the exhaust duct which causes the dryer to over heat and retain water, in some situations, water may penetrate the ducting which causes leaks and damage the drywall and structure of the home.

One of the biggest causes of residential fires is when accumulated lint inside the vent actually ignites.

When Lint gets caught in the folds and creases it sticks due to the humidity. Over time, the lint builds up to such a degree that the dryer cannot exhaust properly. This results in increased drying times initially and potential fires. Once a fire starts in a vinyl vent hose, the hose itself ignites and burns vigorously creating a fire that is very difficult to extinguish. 

All our tools are professionally designed to clean all types of dryer ducting